Saturday, January 30, 2010

So blessed...the adventures continue

My sister Lauren has been encouraging me to continue contributing to my blog. My thought: "What in the world do I have to contribute in the blog world?" Since then, I've had a few thoughts or ponderings that I would then think, "I could put that on the blog". Then my next thought: "Why would I do that?" O.K...the debate still rages on in my head, but I figure that I will use this place as a record of my adventures as a wife, mom, teacher, and follower of Lord...if nothing else than to look back on it and see how the Lord has so greatly blessed me.

I originally started the blog to record our trip to California, so that my awesome family members could enjoy the trip along with us. We had a wonderful snowy evening last night that has continued into today. What this means for those that don't live in NC is that EVERYTHING shuts down! The girls and I headed to the grocery store yesterday afternoon before the storm came in to grab something for dinner. When I commented to the bagger about the crazy amount of people at the store, he said, "Well, the world is coming to end...people want to be prepared!" It really did look like it from the amount of intensity in Food Lion!

Anyways...all of the plans for the weekend were cancelled...yay! Always loving a great family moment, Jerry put a long in the fireplace, hooked his laptop to the tv, and made the announcement, "FAMILY VIDEOS!" We spent over an hour watching the slideshows and videos and reliving our awesome trip to California this summer. I was reminded again about God's gift to our family in the form of special time together! I have become keenly aware of how fast time is oldest will be getting his license in just over four months. Special times all together are a real blessing!

So...full circle back to contributing to the was definitely a fun part of our trip...each night documenting the fun we had for that day and posting the pictures. Let's see if I enjoy posting on a more daily basis as our family journeys together...